I took a day off a few weeks ago. As is my
habit when I’m not in the office, I logged in to our flight tracking site that morning to see what our aircraft were up to… and took the screenshot below.
On this particular day, the
yellow dots were out serving missionaries, picking up two sets of patients, and
flying for the local people of the Eastern Highlands.
Would you pray for
those yellow dots? Each one represents a
generous gift God’s community has passed along to Yajasi to be used to reach
the isolated peoples of this region. Each
yellow dot has a pilot on board needing to make good decisions under pressure
all day long. Each yellow dot has a
team standing behind it—a group of dedicated mechanics, finance people, ground
operations staff and administrators tirelessly doing their jobs to keep the
yellow dots in the air.
Pray for the dots!
좋은 소식은 우리가 당신을 위해 모든 바카라사이트를 검증 했다는 것입니다. 여기에 나열된우리카지노사이트 중 하나를 선택하기 만하면 나쁜 선택을 할 수 없습니다. 실제 온라인 카지노사이트,베팅,바카라 사이트 최고 2022년. 게임 노하우 공개로 고객 승리를 돕고 철저히 검증된 안전한 온라인카지노 업체만을 소개 하고 있습니다.
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