Friday, August 31, 2012

Kathmandu - Sentani Post 6: Eggs and the Malay Peninsula.

I knew it was going to be a great day when it started with me holding my sides, bursting with mirth at Brad's attempt at ordering breakfast at 4:00 a.m. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to bridge the language gap, the initial target of ordering breakfast was reduced to:

Do you have eggs?

Can you cook them?

Great to start the day laughing so hard.  (We did get our eggs, by the way) Great to start the day early.  We had a long way to go, traveling the entire length of the Malay Peninsula.  Took us 6.9 hours with the wind at our backs most of the way.

We're doing great.  Airplane is doing really well.  Please pray for our arrival in Jakarta tomorrow, particularly that customs will go well...

No sir, we're not just bringing in our carry-on's, we're importing the whole airplane sir.  

Really do pray that we would get over that hurdle smoothly.  Thanks!

More of Brad's pix:

Bangkok at dawn.

Just South of Bangkok on departure.

Keeping the fuel log.

Air Traffic Control gave us a route directly over Kuala Lumpur.
I asked Brad to look for the Petronas towers...
he looked straight down and there they were.

On the ground at Singapore's Selatar airport we're serviced with
fuel and oxygen at the same time.


Anonymous said...

HI Nate!! so fun to read your progress; praying here! "here" right now is Maranatha over in Muskegon........which means that i do not have access to my regular email addresses......which means that i can't wish Sheri a big happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY myself until we get home!! would you mind passing that message along, with love, from all of us? thank you!!!

Gracia Burnham spoke here last night; convicting but encouraging too about daily cross-bearing.

will continue to read of your progress; so excited for this plane acquisition for all of you. :)

love and prayers from the Walter gang!!

Syd said...

Congrats on making it to Jakarta. Fun to track you. Blessings Syd

PS Is it a good idea to mix oxygen and fuel? Must be if they did it in Singapore :)

Nate Gordon said...

Perfectly safe, Syd...but to be extra cautious I asked Brad to put out his cigar while the guys were working :)

Great to have a day off and we're already looking forward to the homestretch. Appreciate all the prayers--things have gone really, really well so far. Ten knots on the tail tomorrow would be a real gift :)

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